Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Ocaf Holiday Market/ New Treasures
I participated in the Ocaf Holiday Market on Dec. 6 and 7th and had so much fun!
And next year you simply must go, for there were extra-fine treasures filling up 2 historic buildings in Watkinsville. My darling mother-in-law, Linda Jones, made it possible for me to do this sale and I'm so glad all the Jones Handmade Customers and friends got to meet her and she said she had quite a fun time.
On a similar Ocaf note, spring classes are registering now for kid's ceramics (that's what I teach) and other fine art disciplines (bookmaking, watercolor, drawing, even bag pipes-yes, I said bag pipes). Check out the Spring Schedule Here - - -www.ocaf.com
Onto the treasures!!! I traded with the gal behind me and the gal beside me at the Ocaf Holiday Market and I'm not fooling around when I tell you that they're INCREDIBLE ceramic artists!
First, behind me was Katy McDougal . Her soapdish with the little yellow bird is at the top of the page. Isn't it darling? And very well done. I traded her a "rabbits in love" painting for her daughter's room. She, however, has said baby so I should stay away from her to avoid furthering this baby fever I'm afflicted with - - -
Then, beside my was JoAnna Stecker . She was exhibiting there with her friend Elizabeth D'Angelo whose painting you might recognize from the cover of Flagpole recently -very talented gal as well. I traded a rabbit painting for this fabulous teacup and saucer pictured above and below.

Lastly, here are 2 treasures I picked up along hwy 441 south at various junk and antique shops. They live on top of the fridge with an antique framing saw. The monkey is chalkware and I got the buttons thinking about some new projects (rabbit stuffed friends, perhaps?).

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
283 Bar Sale 12-6-2008
--Beth Cyr (http://www.bcyrjewelry.etsy.com/) and her lovely, organic silver jewelry. Nothing says "I love you" like a pair of Beth Cyr earrings...
Handcrafted Industries is my newest favorite discovery!! www.handcraftedindustries.com They are a collaboration of friendly folks who make very well done products. I love, love, love the felted birds...
Camille Morgan was there too, selling her Fabuluxe line of hand croceted hats, scarves, and bags. I bought a darling little orange hat with cat ears for my niece Naiya. I'll do a separate post in the future, with a picture of Naiya in her new kitten hat and how to get in touch with Camille.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Introducing...CraftAthens !

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
rabbit painting on recycled wood
fall mountain beauty and tedder
Athens Indie Craftstravaganzaa

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
My Babies & Memorial Stones

Monday, October 27, 2008
the mamas and the babies

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Lakelife magazine article

Monday, September 8, 2008
grant park summer shade festival
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Ocaf Summer Art Camp 2008
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Friday, May 2, 2008
dog pack - -ted got fixed
Friday, March 28, 2008
Meet Ted...
Can you believe that there are people who would load their pets up in the car, take them to a remote location, unload them, and drive away?!?!?!?! That is Ted's story. He was dumped along with 12 other members of his family up the road from our house. 13 dogs total (11 pups and 2 adults). They were camping out at a condemmed house/deer camp, waiting for their people to come back and get them. I know, it's heartbreaking.
As of today, I've caught 7 of the pups (8 including Ted--he wanted to be caught) and transported them to the Madison/Oglethorpe Animal Shelter. Which could not be any further from our house, its a 45 min. drive = car-sick pups = will my station wagon ever recover? 1 pup disappeared, and I think someone stopped and took him home with them--he was extra sweet. There are 4 dogs left though--2 pups and 2 adults. And they refuse to let me get my hands on them! So my next mission is to set out a borrowed dog-trap and try to trap them and take them to the shelter. I just don't want to upset them anymore than I have to--they've already been traumatized so much.
My final thought for this post is how deeply I love Ted. How anyone could be so thoughtless and cruel is really beyond me. Spaying and neutering is really the key. It seems that here in rural Georgia, a lot of people don't have the forsight to understand that an un-fixed animal is as good as having 10 more animals on your hands. Pets are viewed more as objects, rather than creatures with souls. Ted's soul is so lovely it sparkles. He tries so hard to learn, and is already leash-trained and (almost) house-broken--only 2 accidents thus far. He's hysterical and has a huge amount of love to give. When he's bigger, he'll be my running buddy. We'll take him to the mountains and he'll get to go everywhere with me (just like Briana). Briana is starting to tolerate him better. She just doesn't care for foolishness, licking, barking, or any carrying on. I took them both to the studio yesterday in the truck and we had a big fun time. We all rode in the cab, with Ted in the middle, and the pups slept the whole way home. So, if you or someone you know is looking for a dog-friend, go check out the Madison Oglethorpe Animal Shelter--a totally top-notch facility, where the rest of Ted's family and many others are waiting for their forever-friend to come and take them home.
Friday, March 21, 2008
welcome to my studio

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
red cat basket

My mother bought this red basket and pillow just for the cats to lounge in, and as you can see, they are in heaven.
In my next life, I want to come back as one of my cats. I would take such good care of myself.
coffee = happy Monica

This weekend I was out of town (in Orlando-that's a whole nuther story). And I went without my morning cup, and felt awful. All day. I couldn't shake it off. The blahs.
I made this saucer as an ode to my love of coffee. See how the rabbit purses his little bunny lips (they do have lips! I've seen 'em) and enjoys his delicious coffee.
Now, my newest favorite coffee-type-beverage-if-its-too-hot-for-hot-coffee IS... Caribou Coffee in the silver can-try it, you'll thank me, not the flavored kind--just regular. Delicious!
So, now you know if I'm grouchy, I might just need a coffee. And you would be a great friend to go and get me one. And a treat too.
You're the best.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Frida darling

She is quite a treat of a cat. See how carefully she sleeps sitting up behind the armpots, so as not to disturb them.